Friday, 12 September 2008

Zimbabwe - What Food Shortages?

The people here in Zimbabwe must be the friendliest people in the world. I swear, it seems like there is a Kris Akabusi laughing around every corner. Everyone also seems to be smiling. OK -so this is within the hotel and not so common on the streets where things are a bit different. I never realised I was such a fashion icon as I've had many offers to swap the clothes I'm wearing - shoes and shorts included - for local crafts they are trying to sell. If they get no joy selling handicrafts the conversation then moves onto the sale of ZIM$ notes which is, of course, an illegal activity here in Zimbabwe.
A couple of examples of a lunch on offer in the hotel. One example being a local take on a classic English Ploughman's lunch (sans Branston pickle) and the other being the warthog special. Both rather good in their own way but the most interesting thing was the inventive use of bread in the warthog special.

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